Log on to SiteManager GUI
  • 27 May 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
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Log on to SiteManager GUI

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Article summary

This article will provide different ways to access your SiteManager GUI.

  • Logging on to the SiteManager GUI can be done in several ways:
  1. Log on to your SiteManager GUI from the GateManager.
    Click on the SiteManager in the domain, then click on the "SiteManager GUI" button to enter the SiteManager GUI:

  2. Log on to your SiteManager GUI from the LinkManager
    Click on the SiteManager on the SiteManager GUI button on the right side:

  3. Log on to your SiteManager GUI from your browser, with a PC connected to the SiteManager DEV1 port.
    Note: All SiteManagers will be password locked after 10 minutes of uptime.

    Once the SiteManager reboots with the IP address of the "DEV1" port, it will be possible to reach the SiteManager from your browser.
    Note: As a standard, the MAC address of the SiteManager is the password of the SiteManager.

  4. Log on to SiteManager GUI from LinkManager Mobile.
    From the LinkManager Mobile, click on the SiteManager to view the detailed description:

    Click on the "WWW" button to go to the "SiteManager GUI":

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