Working with SiteManager SMS and E-mail Alerts
  • 24 Feb 2023
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Working with SiteManager SMS and E-mail Alerts

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Article summary

This article will provide information on how to operate with SiteManager SMS and E-mail Alerts.

This document provides an overview of the different Alert mechanisms supported by a Secomea SiteManager hardware unit.

Alert trigger methods

Devices installed locally to the SiteManager can use it to send Alert messages via the following trigger methods.

  • TCP/UDP - with an Ethernet connection to the SiteManager, an SMS or e-mail can be sent by establishing a TCP session from the PLC to a port (default: 26864) on the Uplink or DEV interface, and sending a message such as: /+4511223344/Tank level low.
  • Digital Input ports - on the SiteManager WEB interface, you can configure the GateManager > Alert menu to send a static text message to a mobile number or e-mail address or list of recipients when the Input1 or Input2 ports goes ON or OFF.
  • Serial Port - by using AT-Commands, and with a Serial connection from your PLC, you can trigger the SiteManager to send an SMS or an e-mail such as AT+CMGS=+4511223344 CR Tank level low ctrl+z.
  • HTTP browser - for testing and troubleshooting, you can use a web browser to send an SMS or e-mail message, by typing e.g. the following in the address bar from a PC placed on the Uplink or DEV side of the SiteManager:
  • HTTP Request - You can issue a GET or POST HTTP request to the SiteManager to send an SMS.

SMS Examples

Alerts triggered by the above-mentioned methods can be submitted in various ways:

  • Using GateManager as Gateway - The SiteManager can be configured to use the GateManager as a gateway for messages triggered by the above-mentioned methods. Note that SMS services must be enabled on the GateManager to allow the sending of SMS.
  • Using SiteManager as Gateway - The SiteManager can be configured to send e-mail and SMS messages triggered by the above-mentioned methods from the local Uplink interfaces. Note that this requires an SMTP setting to be entered in the SiteManager, and that local SMS messages are only supported by SiteManager models with an integrated modem (xx39 models).
  • SMTP Relay - A PLC-supporting integrated SMTP Client uses the SiteManager's DEV port as an e-mail gateway, and the SiteManager will re-lay the Email via the GateManager's mail service. Such messages are not logged in the GateManager audit log.
  • SMTP Routing - A PLC supporting integrated SMTP Client uses the SiteManager's DEV port for routing the e-mail to an SMTP server on the Uplink side of the SiteManager. Such messages are not logged in the GateManager audit log.

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