Secomea Release 9.7
  • 04 Apr 2022
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Secomea Release 9.7

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Article summary

Note: A new version of 9.7 was released shortly after the initial release to fix a 3G/4G modem issue, please ensure the version you are updating to has the build number 9.7.622134021 or later. 

Full release notes can be found here:

SiteManager (Hardware & Embedded)


RD-5362: CVE-2019-10013

RD-5371: CVE-2022-25784

RD-5455: CVE-2022-25785

RD-5699: CVE-2021-32010


[RD-2453] - Improved GateManager appliance recognition on shared 443 port.

[RD-4904] - Sick Ethernet agent updated to include TCP port 2112. 

[RD-5372] - Strict Content Security Policy implemented.

[RD-5373] - Stopped offering obsolete CBC ciphers.

[RD-5374] - Fortified Binaries.

[RD-5485] - Added Logtunnel Pull Master support to 6x22 and 6x42 models of SiteManager Embedded.


[RD-855] - HELP button for generic errors will now jump to the correct section of the help.

[RD-4490] - Troubleshooter would incorrectly report that DNS was unavailable when other factors were causing connection issues.

[RD-4859] - DCM would log too many errors when the disk was full.

[RD-4986] - SiteManager replied "OK" instead of "1" or "0" to AT commands when ATEV0 was used.

[RD-5007] - Fixed a crash on the DCM page of the SiteManager Embedded when no GateManager and Domain were configured.

[RD-5014] - DCC data server client could crash when failing to load certificates.

[RD-5120] - Sniffer did not support DEV2 and DEV3 in seperation mode.

[RD-5160] - Separation mode allowed for communication across interfaces.

[RD-5181] - SiteManager Embedded Windows sercive would terminate unexpectedly.

[RD-5189] - 4-port SiteManager Models would have "Reset Modem Only" as watchdog default.

[RD-5256] - Mitsubishi Ethernet Agent was missing port 5015.

[RD-5524] - SiteManager Embedded would fail to launch the web GUI when launched through the .exe file.

[RD-5531] - Forwarding between ports would fail if all 3 DEV ports were bridged.



RD-5308: CVE-2022-25778

RD-5309: CVE-2022-25779

RD-5310: CVE-2022-25780

RD-5314: CVE-2022-25781

RD-5335: CVE-2022-25782

RD-5355: CVE-2022-25783

RD-5362: CVE-2019-10013

RD-5457: CVE-2022-25786

RD-5523: CVE-2022-25787

RD-5699: CVE-2021-32010


[RD-605] - Experimental: Added feature to establish LinkManager connections via CRM API

[RD-2453] - Improved GateManager appliance recognition on shared 443 port.

[RD-3765] - Experimental: CRM API access control improvements.

[RD-4887] - GateManager will now automatically fetch the newest version of LinkManager and notify users running older versions that a new version is available.

[RD-4941] - Added ability to tidy obsolete and unused firmware. (Guide)

[RD-4981] - Added ability to cancel a pending firmware upgrade action on offline devices.

[RD-4993] - Agent Type and object IDs are now included in CRM API and Syslog entries.

[RD-4994] - Experimental: Added TCP support for Advanced Logging.

[RD-5046] - Disabled support for older ACM protocols in GateManager (Only Appliances running firmware release 7.3 or newer will be able to connect to 9.7 GateManagers).

[RD-5162] - Improved support for firmware management via CRM API.

[RD-5187] - Added online help for domain naming (lightbulb).

[RD-5361] - Message previews are no longer displayed automatically.

[RD-5374] - Fortified binaries.

[RD-5375] - Improvements to session security.

[RD-5440] - Deprecated support for Internet Explorer 11, and Legacy Edge browsers. (Legacy browsers)

[RD-5595] - Added ability to override agent "path" variable in LinkManager Mobile API Go To Appliance requests.


[RD-3512] - New password for LinkManager Proxy was shown in cleartext

[RD-4350] - The appliance replacement function in the GateManager should now correctly replace agents in the GateManager GUI.

[RD-4889] - It was not possible to set "Contents Security Policy" to "Disabled" in server configuration.

[RD-4913] - Significantly sped up the firmware page loading.

[RD-4952] - Replaced LinkManager 7 legacy context menu commands.

[RD-5003] - Upgrade firmware will now work correctly when there is only a single applicable firmware.

[RD-5035] - GateManager now correctly reports "no such hostname" when an expired Go To Appliance hostname is used.

[RD-5144] - DOS line endings are now supported in cloud.conf.

[RD-5200] - Go To Appliance would report an unrelated error when exceeding the max connections limit.

[RD-5260] - Emails and mobile numbers in audit log are now correctly masked.

[RD-5312] - Some HTTPS content could in some cases be accessed with plain HTTP requests.

[RD-5466] - Fixed issue in editing actions through the Domain -> Actions tab.

[RD-5514] - Fixed inconsistent behaviour with Go To Appliance buttons in LinkManager Mobile for WWW agents.

[RD-5515] - Server Log "Get Older" button would sometimes fail.

[RD-5520] - CRM API would respond with invalid JSON state.

[RD-5565] - LinkManager users were presented with superfluous checkboxes in the right-panel sub-tabs

[RD-5568] - Made GUI timeout behavior more consistent.

[RD-5582] Removed unnecessary popup for LinkManager users when logging off.



RD-5362: CVE-2019-10013

RD-5699: CVE-2021-32010


[RD-2453] - Improved GateManager appliance recognition on shared 443 port.


[RD-5506] - LinkManager would fail to connect if the PC hostname contained non-ascii characters

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