Moving an appliance
  • 27 May 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Moving an appliance

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Article summary

This article provides information on how you can move appliances (SiteManager, Computer Appliances) to another domain.

There are 3 different scenarios, depending on where it is moved to.

To a different GateManager

If you need to move a SiteManager to another GateManager (new owners, company mergers, etc.), you just use either the Appliance Launcher or the SiteManager Web GUI to change the GateManager address to the new GateManager and the domain token to the new location. Then save the settings and reconnect the device.

To the same GateManager in your own domain scope

If you need to move a SiteManager to a place in the domain structure within your own scope, simply drag and drop it with your mouse from the GateManager GUI.
The domain token in the SiteManager is just a one-time-only configuration and will NOT change when you move the SiteManager to another domain. You can, of course, change it for documentation.

To the same GateManager outside your domain scope

If you need to move the SiteManager to a domain in the domain structure that you don’t have access to from the GateManager GUI, you need to know the domain token of the destination domain (see an article about finding your domain token).
Enter the domain token in the SiteManager through the Web GUI.
When entering the domain token, insert a “=” sign before the token (fx “=CustomerA.SiteB.Machines”) and also rename the appliance (this will tell the SiteManager to move to the new location). Please select "Save" and then “Reconnect” at the bottom of the GateManager Settings guide or reboot the device to finalise the move.

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