Migrating from LinkManager 7.4 or earlier to LinkManager 8 and newer
  • 21 May 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Migrating from LinkManager 7.4 or earlier to LinkManager 8 and newer

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Article summary

This article introduces existing users to the new redesigned LinkManager User Interface (LM8). 

Some users will recognise the user interface as the one used when logged in as a GateManager administrator. This is a part of Secomea's wish to streamline the user experience.

From release version 8 the LinkManager will be installed as a windows service and with that, it no longer has a local GUI but will be a web-interface on the GateManager server. New users can benefit from going to the "Using LinkManager" article.

How to

To login on the GateManager server use the URL contained in the E-mail with your account details and the certificate that you have received when your user was created.

Note: you can still use your previous LinkManager certificate if you already have this.

If you don't have the E-mail with the URL or not are sure which GateManager your account is for go to gatemanager07.secomea.com and log in using your LinkManager certificate file:

The login will fail, but will also show you which GateManager your account belongs to.

Click the link to go to the right GateManager and directly to LinkManager log in

If you go directly to the right GateManager URL you will see the landing-page:

When you click on the LinkManager button it will take you to the new LinkManager 8 login screen:

Similar to the login of the previous LinkManager versions:

Like previous versions LinkManager 8 shows the structure on the left, but now SiteManagers and appliance agents are also shown here (like the GateManager admin view).

To start connecting to agents you will need to install LinkManager 8 - follow the guide for your browser here: "Google Chrome", "Microsoft Edge" or "Mozilla Firefox" to learn how to install LinkManager 8.

Connection details are shown on the right side including the familiar Connect All, now as a button:

Where in previous versions the Connect (All) would launch a new page, everything is now visible during operation:

The work flow in LinkManager 8 is very similar to the previous versions.

To go to the appliance (GTA) click on the "Details icon". In the popup there will be GTA links for the service you want to access:

Where previously you clicked on the GTA icon (globe, screen etc):

The LinkManager tray icon still exists, but the right click menu has been reduced. Using “Options” you can force the COM port and “About” will display the LinkManager version:

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