Can I still use LinkManager 7 on GateManager 9.5?
  • 18 Jun 2021
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Can I still use LinkManager 7 on GateManager 9.5?

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Article summary

LinkManager 7 on GM 9.5?

With the launch of GateManager 9.5 (June 30th 2021), LinkManager 7 will no longer be supported.

What about Windows XP?

Some programs and applications only run on Windows XP, and there is, therefore, a need for these programs and applications to be accessible.

Up until recently, the workaround had been to use LinkManager 7, however, after the phasing out of LinkManager 7 this will no longer be an option.

The new solution will be to use a Virtual Machine on, for example, a Windows 10 machine to simulate a virtual Windows XP machine to run the applications that require Windows XP.

The Windows 10 machine can use LinkManager 8 or 9 and connect to GateManager 9.5, and as the Virtual Machine runs on the Windows 10 machine, the virtual Windows XP machine should have access to devices connected through LinkManager on the Windows 10 host machine.

An example for a Virtual Machine could be Oracle VM VirtualBox

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