How to uninstall SiteManager Embedded on Windows & Linux
  • 13 Sep 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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How to uninstall SiteManager Embedded on Windows & Linux

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Article summary

This article will provide information on how to uninstall SiteManager Embedded on Windows & Linux server.

Step by Step Guide for Windows:

  1. Go to Start on Windows. 
  2. Search for Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features.
  3. Highlight 'Secomea SiteManager Embedded' and click on "Uninstall" above. 
  4. Once uninstallation has been completed, the SiteManager Embedded will be removed from the PC.

Note: Verification of uninstallation can be viewed under the following path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Secomea\SiteManager Embedded. There should be no files under the folder.


Remove the folders/files in the following directories: 


Once done, we advise restarting the Raspberrypi. 

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