How to SSH through LinkManager Mobile or GateManager Portal
  • 08 Apr 2021
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How to SSH through LinkManager Mobile or GateManager Portal

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Article summary

This article will provide information how to use SSH through the LinkManager Mobile or from the GateManger Portal (GTA - Go To Appliance) It could be you want to SSH into a Device/Server/Robot without using Microsoft Windows where the Secomea LinkManager is designed for.

By using this simple trick it is easy to gain SSH access to a device from your Linux/MAC/Windows

SiteManager Configuration

You will need to make sure you have the proper device agent on the SiteManager: GENERIC -> Device agent with parameters: IP tcp=22 service=rdp,22

 Access the device from GateManager GUI 

  • Login to the GateManager Portal
  • Select the SSH agent
  • Click the RDP button
  • SSH to the GateManager address on port 3389 from your favourite SSH client.

 Access the device from LinkManager Mobile 

  • Login to your LinkManager Mobile account
  • Select the SSH agent
  • Click the RDP button
  • SSH to the GateManager address on port 3389 from your favourite SSH client.

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