Vulnerability Hub
  • 09 Apr 2024
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Vulnerability Hub

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Article summary

The Vulnerability Hub is a section in Prime that will allow you to stay in control of your security and keep track of outdated hardware and/or software in your system.



In the overview tab, you can check your vulnerability score. The vulnerability score is a number from 0 to 1000 that indicates how secure your system is. This score is calculated using two parameters:

  • SiteManagers in your system that are End of Support (EoS).
  • SiteManagers in your system that are running old firmware versions.
    Having outdated hardware and software in your system means you do not have the latest firmware version installed, which may result in a less secure system as we continuously release security updates. The first few SiteManagers that are categorized as a potential security risk will incur a more substantial decrease in the overall vulnerability score than the rest as it only takes one vulnerability to lower the security level for the whole setup. End of Support SiteManagers will have the biggest impact on your vulnerability score, since they, by definition, also run on outdated firmware versions.
    Next to your Vulnerability Score, you will also be able to see a series of tips that will help you improve your score and a link to this guide.


The hardware tab will provide you with an overview of your SiteManagers in the End of Support category or that have an announced End of Life. You can check this page to get more information about the models of SiteManagers that are End of Support and End of Life.

Models of SiteManager that are no longer supported will show with a red symbol indicating, while SiteManagers that have an announced End of Life will show with a yellow symbol.


In the software tab, you will find all your SiteManagers that are running old firmware versions, what firmware version they have installed and what the most recent available version is. You will also be able to see the domain where the SiteManager is located, so you can easily locate it in your GateManager to update it.

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