Manage Dashboards
  • 27 May 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Manage Dashboards

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Article summary

The purpose of this article is to give you a basic overview of how to manage Dashboards (Create, edit and delete dashboards).


Create a dashboard

Click on the “Create new dashboard” button:

It will open a window where a title and short description can be given:

Accessing a dashboard

After creating the dashboard it can be accessed by clicking the dashboard and choosing between viewing, editing, or deleting it.

Editing a dashboard

To edit a dashboard simply be in the dashboard overview as when viewing, then select the desired dashboard to be edited and click the ‘Edit Dashboard’ button:

When first entering the dashboard a user will be presented with a blank canvas. This is the user’s workspace for adding widgets:

The sidebar is the main toolbox for adding widgets, saving, changing, and navigating the dashboard.

The sidebar is located in the top left corner of the browser window as seen above.

After the sidebar is opened it will present function buttons and access to widgets.

For details about widgets and their usage, see the widgets article in the related articles section:

The function buttons ("Back", "Save", "Mobile View") are located at the top of the sidebar:

For info on the individual widget see the Widget details article linked in the related articles. 

Viewing a dashboard

To view a dashboard, simply be in the dashboard overview, select the dashboard desired then select "View Dashboard":

Dashboard example:

When entering the dashboard view users will have see all of the widgets presented, providing an easy overview, without being able to accidentally edit them.

Under "Account setup", a Dashboard User (a view-only user) can be created and assigned Dashboards. 

Mobile preview

While the other function buttons are quite self-explanatory, the mobile preview is a bit more finicky. It allows a desktop user to design a dashboard view for a mobile device to see how it will look beforehand.

Mobile view simulates a phone screen and takes out a lot of guesswork and back and forth when creating the dashboard to be mobile compatible.

Enabling mobile view turns the workspace into a phone model simulating the space and look of a mobile dashboard.

Here a dashboard can be designed with mobile usage in mind.

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