How to use LinkManager Mobile
  • 03 May 2021
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How to use LinkManager Mobile

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Article summary

This article will give you detailed information about the LinkManager Mobile feature. Including details about users, licenses, and how to use them.

LinkManager Mobile License:

On the picture below:
An unassigned LinkManager Mobile user without a LinkManager Mobile license.
And an unassigned LinkManager Mobile license.

The LinkManager Mobile user's "Assign license" is  NOT a checkmark:

Logging in with LinkManagerMobile user that has  NO  license assigned

The user will be able to log in and see all devices. By clicking on the device, the user will be able to see device information:

If the user tries to connect to a device will the access be rejected:

To allow the LinkManager Mobile user to log on and access all devices.
The license needs to be assigned to the LinkManager Mobile user.

Once the license is assigned to the LinkManager Mobile user.
The LinkManager Mobile icon wears a hat and the license will turn red that indicates that the license is "In use".

Note: The license cannot be used by other LinkManager Mobile user's once it is assigned. The LinkManager Mobile license cannot be assigned to the LinkManager Mobile user unless it is joined or placed into the same folder:

The LinkManager Mobile user's account settings will have a License icon next to Assign license once it is assigned:

The user can now access the device:

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