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Domain Administrator best practice
This article describes the best practice for organizing subdomains as a Domain administrator.
It covers arranging Users and licences, SiteManagers, and agents.
User Icon overview
User description
To ease the overview and limit access for users it is good practice to arrange a structure like the one below.
Users and the related licences can be arranged like the below example.
LinkManager licences need to be located with the users. (Floating licence).
LinkManager Mobile licences can be moved anywhere after being attached to the user (Dedicated licence) so they could be moved to a subdomain called "used licences".
A LinkManager who needs his own licence to be guaranteed access can be placed in a subdomain.
Joining User accounts to subdomains to give access
In the below case LinkManager-User1 (joined) can access all SiteManagers and agents in FactoryA+B
Whereas LinkManager-User2 (joined) can only access the agent in the "Machine Access" subdomain
Below is the full overview of the structure for "CompanyName"