DCC Release Notes 1.3
  • 27 May 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark
  • PDF

DCC Release Notes 1.3

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  • PDF

Article summary


RealtimeOnly support

  • This functionality makes it possible to view data solely in Real Time. In order to save storage space on the DCC, you can now disable the saving of data in the cloud, and optimise the retention time to 3 million Sample Points.

Added: Date Range Widget

  • The Date Range widget enables a complete view of historic data in graphs, across a custom date range.

Export functionality added to Date Range Widget

  • All displayed data that has been selected in the Date Range widget can now be exported with a single click.

Custom template for the DCC with own branding and custom colour scheme. Contact our sales department for more info.

Added: background colour to output in Last Value

  • This functionality enables the Last Value Widget to change appearance based on conditions and thresholds or example, >5=green or <=6=red.

Bool Monitor Widget

  • The Bool Monitor Widget allows colours to be assigned to true or false statements received from the equipment


  • Fixed: background colour was not saved in v1.2
  • It is now possible to load topology tree when editing dashboards
  • It is now possible to differentiate between fetched batches and custom batches
  • Dashboard copy bug for administrators and others
  • Error when generating grayscale colors. Fixed.
  • Fixed: widgets spawning and moving other widgets

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