Combining Alerts and Actions
  • 30 Mar 2021
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Combining Alerts and Actions

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Article summary

This article is intended to introduce the administrator to combining alerts and actions to a powerful automation tool.

Intended audience is Domain Administrators.

It is possible to create an Alert that triggers and Action.

  • Example: the next time a SiteManager or TrustGate Appliance connects to the GateManager it should get a new GateManager address, automatically reboot and subsequently connect to another GateManager. This is useful when migrating from one GateManager to another.
  • Example: When a new SiteManager or TrustGate appliance appears in a domain it should be configured with a special configuration profile (e.g. a set of Forwarding Firewall rules on a TrustGate, or special Agent definitions on a SiteManager).
Note: that you cannot append a single Firewall rule or a single Agent to the existing table. A configuration profile will always overwrite the entire section (E.g. the Forwarding Firewall table or the Agent list).

The following example will apply a new Forwarding Firewall table the next time a new TrustGate appliance appears in a specific domain.

  1. Create a connect alert in the domain OfficeC. Settings are:
    Apply to:  All, TrustGate, Any models 
    Trigger on:  Appliances New. 

  2. Create an Action that contains the add-on configuration part. Settings are:
    Apply to:  TrustGate, All models 
    Command:  Upload Configuration and Reboot 

  3. Combine the Action to the Alert by dragging the Action from the Domain-Tree to the Send to: field of the Alert:

  4. Select the Connect(OfficeC) alert in the Domain-Tree. With the mouse drag the Add-on-ForwardingFirewall(OfficeC) action to the Send To: field in the Right side window.
    Next time a TrustGate of any model show up in the OfficeC domain for the first time it will be applied the Configuration profile from the Add-on-ForwardingFirewall(OfficeC) action.


GateManager configured and SiteManager configured and attached to GateManager.
And operational agents configured.

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