Best Practice Security Guidelines
  • 20 Sep 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
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  • PDF

Best Practice Security Guidelines

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Article summary

This article provides information on how to keep your LinkManager, SiteManager, and GateManager up to date to ensure you get the best experience from the Secomea solution

When using the Secomea solution we always recommend that users upgrade their LinkManager to the newest available version from our website. We also recommend that administrators keep SiteManagers updated with the newest version of the SiteManager firmware.

How to upgrade SiteManager firmware

  • If a SiteManager needs to be upgraded, there will be a small upgrade button next to the firmware version on the GateManager. Click this button and choose the newest firmware.
Note: It is possible to initiate a firmware upgrade even if a SiteManager is offline.
When initiating a firmware upgrade by using the 'upgrade' button on an offline SiteManager, it will be upgraded automatically when it comes back online.
  • To manually upgrade the firmware, you need to download the newest version from our support site: When downloading the newest version, log in to the SiteManager GUI, go to "Maintenance > Upgrade" and upload the appropriate firmware for your SiteManager model.

Information to administrators

In the download section, you can find some documents that set out some of the recommended practices when working with the product.

  • The Best Practice Security Guidelines look at how to optimise your setup so your users can use the platform in a secure and safe way.
  • Premium Account Best Practice looks at how you can use the GateManager to make a domain structure that limits the access of a given user to what is relevant, that way ensuring that users only gain access to the devices that they need to access.
If you are running a GateManager OWN, please make sure that you are running the latest GateManager firmware.

Application Notes

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